Egg Custard Tart Review

Photo not mine; credit to owner/creator.

Author's Note/Edit: Saw this after I made this blog-- WINNIE THE POOH EGG TARTS. I MUST MAKE THESE. Perfect time for Christopher Robin's recent release. Have you seen it yet? I loved it.







Today, we try another Asian snack!

Seventeen's Wonwoo|Photo not mine; credit to owner/creator.


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I have been admiring Egg Custard Tarts from afar for awhile now, but did not get to actually try them until recently.

Min-hyuk is the best leading man. | Photos not mine; credits to rightful owners.

      I knew I had to get some Egg Custard Tarts after I finished "Strong Girl Bong-soon" -- they looked so good in this drama. My biggest takeaway since I started watching Asian Dramas is that the food looks delicious-- whether it's ramen, hotpot, grilled meats, or bakery items-- and this is especially the case in "Strong Girl Bong-soon."
Strong Girl Bong-soon|Screenshot is mine.

    The title character, Bong-soon's parents have a walnut and tart bakery shop therefore we see a few shots in the shop and of the pies and tarts, particuraly what appears to be a walnut pie and, of course, egg tarts.
Strong Girl Bong-soon|Screensot is mine.

     This was one of the first times egg tarts really caught my attention-- it just looked so golden, flaky, and delicious whenever it appeared.

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 Then to make my desire to try Egg Custard Tart even stronger, I see these pictures of these particular boys enjoying some--

BTS' Jungkook and J-Hope|GIF not mine; credit to owner/creator.

 I couldn't help but think, "They MUST be good if BTS likes them. They've never steered me wrong yet when it comes to food." (i.e., J-Hope and Kimchi Fried Rice)

BTS' Jin|GIF not mine; credit to owner/creator.

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So, I took these as food recommendation and ordered some when I went for Dim Sum at a Chinese restaurant recently.

Photo not mine; credit to owner/creator.


Dim sum (Chinese: 點心; Cantonese Yale: dímsām) is a style of Chinese cuisine of food prepared as small bite-sized portions.

Usually, it is served in small 
steamer baskets or on small plates.

It is often served with tea, making a tea brunch.

BTS' Jin|GIF created by me.

    The egg tart (commonly romanized as daahn tāat) is a kind of custard tart in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Macau, Brazil, Portugal, Britain, and various Asian countries.

BTS' Jin|GIF created by me.
    Egg tart has an outer pastry crust and is filled with egg custard, then baked.
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Photo by me.
   Egg Custard Tart is basically a mini pie-- like it literally is a pie for an individual, consisting of 1-4 bites.  The crust is light, flaky, and buttery.  The egg custard filling lives up to its name in appearance, texture, and flavour. Visually, it not only looks like a thick custard filling, but it could also easily be mistaken for egg omelette. 😂 It looks so much like egg.

   If you are used to pies with pudding filling, this is a similar idea, but it is custard instead of pudding.  This means that it is a bit thicker or firmer. These egg tarts are sort of similar to English custard tarts, but the egg tarts are not sprinkled with anything like cinnamon or nutmeg.  Additionally, egg tarts are usually served piping hot-- fresh from the oven while English custard tarts are often served at room temperature.  Mind you, the egg tarts I received were at room temperature.
BTS' J-Hope|Photo not mine; credit to owner.

   Overall, the dish is rich but not too sweet nor is it overwhelming. 🤷 Although I enjoyed them, I could only eat one. I just like a contrast and variety with my foods and Dim Sum is good for that. Grab a friend and have some together.
Seventeen's Woonwoo|GIF is not mine; credit to owner/creator.

 Trivia: "During the 1920s, as there was tough competition between department stores in attracting customers, the chef of each department store would invent a new dim sum or dessert weekly (每週美點) as an attraction. This was when egg tarts first appeared in Guangzhou. Later in the 1940s and 1950s, lots of the chefs migrated to Hong Kong and brought recipes with them. Hence, a Hong Kong style of egg tarts emerged." -

Photo by me.
    "Today, egg tarts come in many variations within Hong Kong cuisine, including egg white, milk, honey-egg, ginger-flavoured egg, which are variations of a traditional milk custard and egg custard, and also chocolate tarts, green-tea-flavoured tarts, and even bird's nest tarts." - "Behind the scenes of Hong Kong's most loved egg tart bakery"

Photo not mine; credit to owner/creator.
  If you want more foodie content, I post a lot of foodie pics on Instagram!  
💗 follow @tiffu20. 
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! 
Eat well.
GIF not mine; credit to owner/creator.
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Love Yourself, Peace 💜 


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